Emergency Aid

In partnership with our parent organization, oSTEM, we offer a Community Relief Emergency Fund.

This fund exists to help impacted individuals with any urgent financial needs due to housing insecurity and limited resources during this public health crisis.

Given this acute and immediate need, oSTEM canceling our Leadership Development Program and reallocating funds to provide a level of financial relief for our members who are most impacted.

These funds are made possible by the generosity of our community. If you'd like to contribute to this fund, you may make a tax-deductible donation. oSTEM Incorporated is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, Tax-ID/EIN: 27-1204776.

If you need funds and have any questions about this funding application, please contact emergency-funding@ostem.org

oSTEM & Queer in AI Emergency Aid Recipient Testimonials

“I'm a queer non-binary person of color in need of mutual aid for their medical testing and housing. I recently got off a waitlist for neuropsych testing at a facility that is queer-friendly and (importantly!) *not* transphobic. I'm currently searching for employment, but risk losing my appointments if I cannot raise the funds to cover my healthcare. I have been trying to get diagnosed for years; testing will be affirming and a huge step forward. I am trying to raise $1500; $550 for neuropsychological evaluation to give me the diagnosis needed to receive proper mental health treatment, medication, etc., and $950 for rent + utilities to keep me housed for the month as I continue my job search and receive treatment.”

-Anonymous 1

“In need of emergency funding for medical services. Given the current situation, my mental health has taken a hit and I am in need of therapy sessions and medication for my mental health. My family is not supportive of my decision to begin medication to help me during these times.”

-Anonymous 2

“I had escaped a forced marriage (that was meant to correct my sexual orientation) and fleeing family honor violence. I am living at a women's shelter for my safety. I am trying to find a secure apartment and will possibly relocate to another city for my safety.”

-Anonymous 3

“I am in a semi-homeless state at the moment after being kicked out of my mother's house and having the vehicle I used also reclaimed by her. I was fortunate enough to be given temporary housing by my tia until I leave to go back to college. I'm in the process of trying to acquire a car so I can travel to the apartment I had already signed a lease with for the coming year starting August. I worry over the multiple bills that I will be taking on with a car and rent soon.”

-Anonymous 4