Queer in AI Workshop @ NAACL 2025
Queer in AI is organizing a hybrid (with virtual attendance) workshop at NAACL 2025.
Upcoming Deadlines
The archival + non-archival, ARR, findings submission deadline has been updated to February 20, 2025 AoE (Anywhere on Earth). Submit your work here!
In the Queer in AI Workshop at NAACL 2025, we want to bring together researchers and practitioners working at the intersection of linguistics, queerness, and natural language processing to present their work and discuss these issues. Additionally, we will provide a casual, safe and inclusive space for queer folks to network and socialize. We will have in-person and virtual components, so regardless of your physical location, we hope that you will be able to join us as we create a community space where attendees can learn and grow by connecting with each other, bonding over shared experiences, and learning from each individual’s unique insights into NLP/CL, queerness, and beyond!
Call for Contributions
We are excited to announce our call for contributions to the Queer in AI Workshop at the 2025 NAACL Conference. We are accepting research papers, extended abstracts, position papers, opinion pieces, surveys, and artistic expressions on queer issues in NLP and Linguistics. We also welcome contributions about general topics in NLP and Linguistics authored by queer folks. We also highly encourage works highlighting New Mexican queer cultures and linguistic elements. Accepted contributions will be invited to present at the Queer in AI workshop during the 2025 NAACL Conference.
This workshop has two tracks: archival and non-archival. The archival versions of the workshops should adhere to ACL format and accepted works will be published in ACL anthology.
Archival submissions
Papers submitted to this track will be peer-reviewed and considered for submission in ACL anthology. The papers should be in English. Paper submissions must use the official ACL style templates, which are available here (Latex and Word). Please follow the general ACL paper formatting guidelines available here. You can either submit a short work of 4 pages or a long paper of 8 pages. We invite archival submissions in the following tracks:
Queer linguistics: This track invites submissions of studies related to the language around gender and sexuality. For example, the application of ideas from queer theory to language research, or providing an overview of the discursive formation of heteronormativity.
Queerness and NLP: This track invites submissions at the intersection between NLP and queerness. Possible themes could be the usage of NLP to analyze queer language or discovering flaws behind NLP methodologies which may harm queer folks.
Queer activism and D&I: This track invites submissions related to issues with queer inclusivity in NLP events and solutions to increase it. We also invite stories and strategies for queer activism in tech and academia, as well as artefacts and tools to promote queer advocacy.
If you want to submit your findings paper / un-accepted paper to our workshop, you can also commit the reviews to our workshop.
Non-archival submissions
For this format, you can submit your work in the form of art, poetry, music, microblogs, tiktoks, or videos. You need to upload a PDF containing a summary or abstract of your work and a link to your work. You can also submit your findings paper, a late-breaking paper or an abstract detailing your work. You can submit this paper in any language that you prefer.
Important Dates
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth.
Archival submission deadline: January 30, 2025 February 20, 2025
Non-archival, ARR, Findings submission deadline: February 20, 2025
Decisions due: March 1, 2025
Camera-ready submissions due from accepted authors: March 10, 2025
If you need help with your submission in the form of mentoring or advice, you can get in touch with us at queer-in-nlp@googlegroups.com.
Submissions and Formatting Instructions
Submission is electronic, using the OpenReview platform. All papers must follow the ACL Author Guidelines. All submissions should be anonymized. Please refrain from including personally identifying information in your submission.
All authors with accepted work will have FULL control over how their names appear in public listings of accepted submissions.
If you are writing a paper for the first time and need some help with your work, we strongly suggest you contact us. If you are willing to help first time authors, please feel free to indicate us by emailing us.
Contact Us
Email: queer-in-nlp [at] googlegroups.com
Workshop and Social Programs
The workshop and social programs and dates are currently being finalized; please check in soon! The workshop will be co-located with NAACL 2025 (April 29–May 4, 2025) and will be a hybrid event in New Mexico, USA. Following this, Queer in AI events will include both in-person and virtual components.
Code of Conduct
Please read the Queer in AI code of conduct, which will be strictly followed at all times. Recording (screen recording or screenshots) is prohibited. All participants are expected to maintain the confidentiality of other participants.
NAACL 2025 adheres to the ACL Code of Conduct and Queer in AI adheres to Queer in AI Anti-harassment policy. Any participant who experiences harassment or hostile behavior may contact the ACL exec team, or contact the Queer in AI Safety Team. Please be assured that if you approach us, your concerns will be kept in strict confidence, and we will consult with you on any actions taken.